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Beneath the Clutter

Beneath the Clutter

Preparing a clients home to sell is an important part of my job as a Realtor®. I give my clients their marching orders for getting rid of things with the intent to declutter to sell their home. So many items tend to become piled up over the years and moving is the perfect opportunity to let go of those things, especially the items that have not been used in a very long time. I also tell those same clients “Do as I say, not as I do” since we still live in our house and have lived here for 20+ years and have accumulated our share of clutter. 

Now that we are empty-nesters, I really want the nest to feel more empty of THINGS! I recently read somewhere  “Collect the things you love, that are authentic to you, and your house becomes your story”. It made me realize when I am busier with work or life in general, I also busy myself with unintentional purchasing, either online or in-person, things that don’t have meaning, but give me a quick buzz of reward that quickly fades.  I feel like I am now climbing out of the fog of being a click and purchase, or bulk buyer to pausing to think “Do I really need that item?”  

I’ve made it a goal to work on stopping the flood of instant gratification purchases and looking toward what I already have that I can use or repurpose.  This has also led to digging out from underneath the piles of items that I either no longer need or use, and would love to give or sell to someone who could use it.  

I have enlisted the magical services of an amazing company called Waste Nun. Erin Hannan is the owner of this fantastic business that for me has become the missing link to the upkeep of our house.  I am pretty good at straightening up and getting things organized, but that last step of actually getting rid of things is where Waste Nun comes to the rescue and makes the magic happen. Erin takes care of getting my unwanted items out of my garage and into the hands of those who can use them! 

Here is a little about how Erin describes her business: “Why is it called Waste Nun? Because we’re practically religious about reducing waste! We will reduce your mess, get unwanted items to people who can reuse them, and recycle anything that is no longer useful.” Erin has and continues to do that for our family, and it is tremendously helpful.  I have her scheduled a few times a month to come in for several hours and either tackle a project (such as getting all the art supplies scattered around the house into one designated area) or fill up her car to the brim with unwanted items such as clothing, household supplies or files and paperwork that is no longer needed.  It is a freeing experience! I like the fact that Erin has the resources to figure out who or where the items she takes can go, and that those places or people want and need those things.  She is resourceful in getting things organized to either donate, take to Austin Resource Recovery, or sort through items that can go to different locations so that she is truly living by her company name of “Waste Nun: Recycling with Grace!”

Some places to DIY donate/give your unwanted stuff. See their websites for more details on accepted items.

  • Misc items: Reuse and Recycle Center accepts electronics, clothing, housewares, tires, and other items not eligible for curbside recycling.
  • Art Supplies: non-profit Austin Creative Reuse
  • Books: find a little free library or donate to Austin Public Library or your local schools
  • Furniture and building supplies: Habitat for Humanity Re-Store
  • Buy Nothing Groups: Give away or ask for items in this group. Search “Buy Nothing Oak Hill” on Facebook and click to join.

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